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    起批 1-10件 11-50件 50件以上
    价格 163.00 130.40 81.50
    销量: 累计出售 0
    评价: 已有 0 条评价
    人气: 已有 47 人关注
    更新: 2018-10-30
    数量: 减少 增加件 库存1000件
    立即购买   加入购物车   3D模型下载
    • 产品尺寸:50*16mm
    • 接头类型:M10*1.5外螺纹
    • 产品编码:100993
     MAOF50*16-NBR-45-M10*1.5-AG金属薄板专用扁平椭圆真空吸盘,产品编码为100993,适用于搬运油性金属薄板和汽车车身零部件。SAOF 50<em></em>x16 NBR-45 M10-AG
    Attribute Value
    Bmax(S) 18 mm
    Bs 14.6 mm
    dn 4 mm
    G1 M10-AG
    H 26 mm
    LG1 10 mm
    Lmax(S) 52 mm
    Ls 48.6 mm
    SW1 16 mm
    Z (Stroke) 3 mm
    Note: Acceptable dimensional tolerances for rubber parts concerning to DIN ISO 3302-1 M3 External dimension of the suction cup when it is pressed against the workpiece by the vacuum
    Attribute Value
    Suction force 31 N
    Lateral force 24 N
    Lateral force (oily surface) 12 N
    Volume 2.27 cm³
    Curve radius (min) (convex) 7.5 mm
    Hose diameter (empf.) d 4 mm
    Dimensions (LxB) 50 x 16
    Number of folds 0
    Suction cup material Nitrile rubber NBR
    Material hardness [Shore A] 45
    Weight 37 g
    Product family MAOF
    Note: Suction force: The specified suction forces are theoretical values at a vacuum of -0.6 bar and with a smooth, dry workpiece surface - they do not include a safety factor Lateral force: The specified lateral forces are values measured at a vacuum of -0.6 bar with a dry or oily, smooth, flat workpiece surface. Depending on the workpiece surface and its quality, the actual values may deviate from these values Hose diameter: The recommended hose diameter refers to a hose length of approx. 2 m

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